About the loyalty club
All customers of Spánarhomei who have invested in their dream property in Spain are offered participation in the Spánarhomei Friendship Club. This is a closed group of Spánarheimili’s customers, as the club’s goal is, among other things, an information and service platform for Spánárheimil’s customers. There are also regular meetings within the club both in Iceland and Spain, where various introductory and educational meetings are held, along with getting together and having fun together.
Within the loyalty club, information and tidbits of information are shared, along with the fact that the customer receives information about Vildarkör on services & entertainment. Each and every Loyalty Club member is offered various loyalty benefits for services and entertainment, including discounts on rental cars, golf, the parking lot at the airport, discounts on restaurants and much more.

All Vildarklubs members also receive a large discount on airport transfers and other shuttles, as well as the use of Deilibíli, which are available for delivery at the Spanish Home office in Spain.
Upon purchase, each customer receives a Loyalty Club card that gives access to countless benefits and loyalty terms both in Spain and Iceland.
The site is managed by the Spanish Home staff, but members are also encouraged to share information and other useful content.